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About Me

Hello, My name is Jennifer Young! 
I am a 2020 graduate from StClair College's 2D/3D Animation program in Windsor ON Canada, and like most aspiring animators I've been artsy for the majority of my earthly existence. As a crafty person, I spend a vast amount of time practicing different skills and jumping into new projects. When I first started animation I was pleasantly surprised to learn about the various positions within the production pipeline, I found myself feeling much more at home than I initially expected. From storyboarding to compositing and everything in between I knew that wherever I found myself I would belong.
I'm starting my journey and I can't wait to show you what I can do!

You may have noticed that I use an artist name for my works posted online, ArkomiKitty. I've used it to keep my presence notable, and also distinguishable from others who may share my birth name. Jennifer Young is an extremely common name so being seen as Arkomi online has helped me expand my reach.

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